Pulwama Attack - we want revenge!

On 14 february 2019, a convoy of military vehicles which was carrying around 2500 security personnels of CRPF(Central Reserved Police Force) was moving via Jammu Srinagar National Highway where they were attackted by a vehicle borne suicide bomber near Avantipora. This attack resulted in a death of 40 CRPF personel and more than 35 personnels were injured. The responsibility of the attack was claimed by the Pakistan based Islamist group jaish-e-mohammed.
The suicidal bomber was the local youth named Adil Ahmed Dar. He was a 22 year old high school dropout from Kakapora, who joined the group a year ago.
The attacker slammed the Scorpio Mahindra vehicle into the bus which resulted in a massive explosion. The vehicle was filled with the explosives.
The entire nation is in anger and wants revenge from the attackers/Pakistan. Nationwide many protests and marches are being organized demanding for the revenge.
As we know that India will definitely take the revenge in the most appropriate way. Pakistan as always denies his link with the attack, but this time India will present a dossier in a Paris meet of FATF (Financial Action Task Force) regarding the Pakistan link in the attack. This time Pakistan will not be spared. Every Indian is saddened by this attack. Along with the authorities common people are coming forward to provide whatever help they can give to the family members of our brave soldiers who lost their lives.
Some immediate steps taken by the govt. Of India includes
  • ·         Withdrawing the status of most favored nation from Pakistan.
  • ·         Import duties on various products like fruits and cements have been raised by 200%.
  • ·         Indian air force initiated a war practice near pokhran range.
  • ·         Securities of 5 hurriyat laders has been removed.

Information source:Wikipedia
Image source: google


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